Hum, 48" x 66", big pen, white out, acrylic
Springtime in the Rockies, 48" x 66", collage, white out, bic pen, acrylic
The Playground, 48" x 66", collage, white out, bic pen, acrylic
Jungle Gym, Limted Edition Print
Midgaard Serpent, 24" x 36", limited edition lithograph
The Prize, 112" x 156", collage, white out, bic pen, acrylic
The Red House, 48" x 66", collage, white out, bic pen, acrylic
Big Blue Mountain, 60" x 42" , collage, white out, bic pen, acrylic
Black Freighter 60" x 42", collage, white out, bic pen, acrylic3
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